Hi there, I am the daughter of Diane Rowell, class of '73. I learned about your page via notes in her email and thought I would send you a note to report that sadly, my mom passed away unexpectedly on June 14th of this year. I would appreciate you posting the notice on your In Memory page if that's acceptable. Thanks, Amanda
Jeanne Timmes (Mendez)
I am so saddened to hear of Diane's passing and I hope her daughter Amanda will read our messages here.
Diane was my friend beginning in 7th Grade at Sylvia Packard JHS. We spent many, many afternoons hanging out at her house with other friends. There were so many little kids in her neighborhood that she shared the babysitting jobs with lots of us. Sometimes if several of us had babysitting jobs on the same night, we'd all get together with the kiddies (letting them play while we talked about all the serious teen-aged girl issues we faced.)
I haven't heard anything of her life after we left PHS (perhaps we caught up at the 20th reunion) but yet the memories come rushing back (oddly, like the dress I wore to her sweet sixteen party which was a big, wonderful event!) .
Amanda, I hope you and your family can find comfort in loving memories and stories from others from her past.
I am so sorry for your loss. May she rest in eternal peace and may the love she had for you shine down on you every day.
Jeanne Timmes (Mendez)