John Klimaszewski
John's Latest Interactions
Hey Steve,
Our paths crossed thru my son Josh and your Engineering career,
Now you have more time to golf!!
See you at the 50th,
Hey Barry,
Look forward to seeing you at the reunion...
We spent a lot of time together in school.
Do you remember being the Sun in a grade school play about the solar system ?
I remember being Mercury and a blue star.
All the best to you and your family,
Hi Susan,
How far back does your memory go ?
Baldwin Drive for six years... with teachers... Mrs Rang, Mrs Randle (who ran a theatrical play about space and the solar system where we acted and sang) Mr Nickodem and Mr Black
You have used all your creative talents that started back then and passed them on to your children... very nice to see... best wishes with the writers strike...
Hope you and your family are well,
Surfing at Gilgo was really fun !!!
Hey Andy,
John Klimaszewski, wish we could talk... last time you said your mom would be pleased that I converted to Judaism... I remember we couldn't waste a day for Rosh Hashana or Yom Kirppur because we had to have fun playing football, basketball and baseball with the Pembroke Drive guys.
Ground ball to short and Maxie hitting pop fly tennis balls to us and your brother Larry abosolutely killing his legs sliding during running bases !
We did a lot together !
Your friend,
Happy 67 !!
Cu all summer